Honest, you would only find my wrapping paper box and our ornament box.
What was the scariest moment of your life?
When my 2 year old went head first down our stairs.
Do you listen to music while writing? If so what?
Most often, yes. Mostly instrumental. I actually love to listen to the music of Star Wars, The Lord of the Rings, and The Dark Crystal. I did listen to a lot of Celtic Woman when writing my debut novel. It just inspired me more for that novel.
What is something you'd like to accomplish in your writing career next year?
I’d like to decide once and for all if I need an agent. And if so, secure one.
How long did it take you to write this book?
Wow…though this is my second book published, it was the first book I ever wrote. So, I’m going to say a couple of years. Now I can finish a book in 4-6 months.

This face-less group will stop at nothing to achieve its goal of driving out the unwelcome Greeks. In the midst of these heightening attacks, the general must leave for battle. Ismene fears that she is on her own. Evidence of a spy within her own household arises. It soon becomes apparent that one of these Egyptian rebels wants her dead. The safety of Ismene, and possibly the entire ruling class of Egypt, hangs in the balance.
Read an excerpt...
“What is everybody...” Ismene's voice interrupted their musings. No one, not even Alistair, had even noticed that she had arrived at the grand estate, least of all made it all the way out to the gardens. Her voice, which started light and happy, trailed off as she noticed the source of everyone's fixation.
There were many audible gasps as the servants, like Alistair, turned and saw Ismene's paled face, her mouth moving as if trying to form words, though none came forth.
Alistair rushed over to her, “Ismene, don't look...it's...” he said, trying to turn her away, to go back in direction she had just come.
It was only then that he realized—the message—it was for her. Ismene and Alonah came to the gardens each day to check on her tiger lilies. This wall faced the entrance into the gardens closest to her bedchambers, the entrance she came through every day. How did anyone outside of his house and Pharaoh's know that? His heart sank. There was a leak in one of these houses.
About Sara Turnquist

Twitter: @sarat1701
Facebook: Sara R. Turnquist, Author -