I say 'phoenix' because it seems to had multiple reincarnations - beginning as a short story (A PERSON OF NO CONSQUENCE) and expanded into a novella for a Christmas anthology (TWELVE ROGUES OF CHRISTMAS) as NINE YEARS 'TIL CHRISTMAS.
And now here it is, standing by itself with a gorgeous new cover... my little regency Christmas romance... A CHRISTMAS LOVE REDEEMED - a second chance at love story with a touch of Cinderella!
It is release day and you will find it as an ebook only at all your favourite ebook retailers.

For Hannah, Lady Trevan, catering to the spoiled darlings of the ton as a humble chaperone is nothing compared to the pain she suffered at the hands of her late husband. Alone and impoverished, she is a person of no consequence but once, a long time ago, she sacrificed her world for the dashing Comte de Mont Clair. Now all she can do is hope that he may glance her way…