(Just in time for Halloween...)
"...This was a fun collection that is clean and perfect for virtually any age, especially with Halloween just around the corner." Goodreads reviewer
The Hauntings of Livingstone Hall is out now at all good ebook retailers (and in print!)
Not just any group of writers but a bunch of writers with varying degrees of experience in the writing and outside world, all of which we brought to bear in the compilation of THE HAUNTINGS OF LIVINGSTONE HALL.
Second... large pieces of butcher's paper and a ghant chart (yes, one of us is a project manager). Allocation of roles and responsibilities (one is a former army officer) and we were off.
And of course... WRITE THE STORY...
The result is THE HAUNTINGS OF LIVINGSTONE HALL... reputedly the most haunted house in England.
(Blame Sarah J. Wolfe for the 471 ghosts - or 472 if you count the head of the headless ghost separately)

7.30 -10.30pm Australian EDST
(which is 4.30pm Perth time, 9.30pm NZ, 9.30am UKtime, 4.30am East coast US and 1.30am West Coast US - one for the night owls or early risers!)
With 7 authors there will be 7 wonderful prizes on offer.
I will be giving away an autographed print copy of my 'haunting romance' GATHER THE BONES and a pair of spooky earrings - perfect for Halloween.
(Click the button below to go the event page)
The Grey Lady by Alison Stuart
Read an excerpt...
A bright red Italian sports car, followed by a dark blue van swept around the bend of Livingstone Hall’s weed infested driveway. The sports car skidded to a stop outside the old house and the van drew up beside it.
For months, the spectral inhabitants had endured a circus of real estate agents, and potential buyers, traipsing through the house. A few had been dissuaded with judicial and strategic shoves in the back and unexplained tripping but nothing could deter the odious Herbert Boxell Junior the Third, or HBJ3 as he called himself.
A succession of architects and builders had crawled into every conceivable nook and cranny, shaking their heads about the dry rot, the state of the trusses, the death watch beetle and other structural issues. Even worse, blue print plans had appeared on the library table waiting for perusal by HBJ3 and his minions.
Hector had reported to the other ghostly inhabitants about plans for roof top golf, an indoor swimming pool, a health spa, pedalos on the lake and even more alarmingly, a basement disco.
‘That sounds rather fun,’ Freddy and Paradise had agreed. The others just stared at them, and the White Lady moaned and dripped water.
While the attempts by the ghosts to deter HBJ3 had gone unregarded by the man, he seemed to take an unhealthy interest in them. Hector had overheard him asking the agents about the reputation of the hall as the ‘most haunted house in Gloucestershire’ and when assured that, yes indeed, there were numerous stories about the place being haunted, HBJ3 had responded by rubbing his hands together.
‘Excellent,’ he had said in a self-satisfied tone that had sent shivers down Hector’s spectral spine...