And I am delighted to welcome Miss Nicole Zoltack to talk about some Regency Christmas traditions and introduce us to HOLLY AND HOPEFUL HEARTS... (25% of proceeds are going to charity)
Christmas in the Regency Era
The great Jane Austen wrote “Merry Christmas” to her sister Cassandra one year—yes, Merry Christmas and not Happy Christmas. But while that phrase remains used today, carols were not sung back then, at least not outside of church. There were groups who would go from house to house, wassailing, singing songs that begged for drink, food, and money. Can you imagine going to your neighbor’s house and singing a song begging for food?
Houses were decorated with greenery but never earlier than on Christmas Eve because it was considered unlucky to. If you wished to have luck, then be sure to be the first one to sit on the felled Yule log before it went in the fireplace. But the log would be the only tree in the house. That’s right—no Christmas trees! That wasn’t a tradition until later. The same with gift giving, although some sources do mention that children may be given a new toy.
Speaking of greenery, don’t forget the misteltoe! And be sure to pluck a berry after stealing a kiss. Once all the berries were plucked, no more kisses were to be had. Might be a good time to go looking for another bough of mistletoe…
It’s fun to turn back the years and realize that some things were different, but some things remain the same. What traditions do you enjoy at Christmastime? Answer and you’ll be in the running to win an ebook of Joy to the World, my contribution to the Belle’s boxed set last year.
Nicole http://nicolezoltack.com/
Holly and Hopeful Hearts
When the Duchess of Haverford sends out invitations to a Yuletide house party and a New Year’s Eve ball at her country estate, Hollystone Hall, those who respond know that Her Grace intends to raise money for her favorite cause and promote whatever marriages she can. Eight assorted heroes and heroines set out with their pocketbooks firmly clutched and hearts in protective custody. Or are they?
The Bluestocking Belles are proud to present eight never before published novellas centered on the Duchess of Haverford's ball. Her favorite cause is also one dear to the hearts of the Bluestocking Belles, women's education. 25% of all proceeds will be donated to the Malala Fund.
Genre: Regency romance, historical romance, holiday romance
Heat rating: G-PG13
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