Virginia Taylor, former midwife, former theatre set designer, and now full time author sold her first two romantic comedies to Random House and a series of three historical romances to Kensington Books during the past two years. She is working on the next three in the series and a new series of romantic comedies. Apparently, she never sleeps.
Is It A Fish or a Beast? . . .

Ask anyone what a bunyip looks like and you will be given a different answer, ranging from an octopus with wings to the description I found during my research and used in the passage below for Ella, #2 in my South Landers series of historical romances published by Kensington Books:
. . . she set her quivering jaw. “Your stupid dog almost drowned me. That wretched animal shouldn’t be roaming free, as I...” Suddenly aware of her skirts hitched over her crinoline, she shook the drenched black fabric to her ankles, shamed by the display of the cage and most of her wet underwear.
Mortified that more than her fear showed, she hauled in a shuddering breath. “I’m sure I can have you arrested for trespass and willful destruction,” she muttered, wanting to weep.
He stepped back, his expression amused. “Destruction? I don’t suppose you noticed I saved your life.”
“After your dog attacked me.” Pushing back the curtain of hair dripping over her nose, she began to shiver, a reaction she couldn’t control. “I thought she was a bunyip.”
“A bunyip?” He raised his eyebrows at Girl, who shook off a halo of water droplets, stretched full length, and grinned at him. “A mythical monster?”
She glanced at the hills, backlit by the endless blue sky. “If a jet-black, hairy creature attacked you in a billabong, you might believe in mythical monsters, too.” She swiped her wet sleeve under her nose. . .

Heir to his family fortune, Charlton Alfred Landon Lynton abandoned his privileged life to prove his independence. He doesn’t have time for a woman, but once he woos the lovely Ella into his bed, he is ready to make her his wife…until she shocks him with her refusal, claiming she can only marry a rich man! Angry and brokenhearted, the heir in disguise leaves the beautiful golddigger behind…
But amid the breathtaking landscape of South Australian, Ella and Cal are destined to meet again. Will their heated reunion lead to cruel confrontation—or the kind of passion that lasts a lifetime?